magnitude of value
- 价值量

Discussion on Using Magnitude of Value Indexes to Analyze Energy Utilization
On Magnitude of Value about the Information Commodity
The Determination of Magnitude of Value and Use Value
On The Creation of Merchandise Value and the Determination of the Magnitude of Value
Suggestion for introducing the magnitude of value into energy consumption index system of iron and steel enterprise
Crack the Mystery : Why the Living Labor Decreases While the Magnitude of Value Increases
The magnitude of value is often dependent upon the business strategy , operation mode and management mode of an enterprise .
Some Propositions on Socially Necessary Labor and the Relation between Labor Productivity and Magnitude of Value
Increase of magnitude of value is regarded as the sign of economic performance , which is a mistake of economic research .
The phenomenon that the living labor decreases while the magnitude of value increases is still an academic mystery .
Intangible assets ' magnitude of value is decided by reduced magnitude of labor after intangible assets are put into use .
So the science and technology that can make the magnitude of value of the new product reduce by a large margin is the high-new technology .
Virtually , the educational cost of higher education manifests the magnitude of value in resources expended in providing or receiving educational services .
The change of the supply-demand relationship of the market influences the validity of working , thus influences the magnitude of value of the goods ;
It is the only source of the value of the goods to work , and the work and market determine the size of the magnitude of value of the goods together .
Under the new economic condition , the substance of value is the mental labor . Man 's subjective initiative and innovative degree is the yardstick of the magnitude of value .
The cost of forest fire suppression is the magnitude of value , it contents the labour value and lumber value , and composites from direct costand indirect cost .
By the descending order of magnitude of value was : fixing carbon and releasing oxygen water conservation biodiversity conservation atmospheric environment purification soil conservation forest nutrient accumulation forest recreation .
Therefore , making sure the magnitude of value and the standard of compensation of Nature Reserve eco-benefits will help to reinforce its good development ability and further hasten its healthy , steady and sustained development .
We can deduce the relations of social and individual productive forces with the magnitude of value from that of the social necessary labor time with the magnitude of value , which integrates value creation with value distribution .
Determination of Magnitude of Commodity Value by Both Supply Value and Demand Value
Among them , sparing living - work and reducing magnitude of goods value is one of the contribution by advanced non-labor factor .
Results show that when an intelligent skin was pressed , the sensor can reliably estimate teh magnitude of pressure value and its position .
So we can select suitable assembly magnitude of interference value and elastic modulus based on its own needs and make engineering design keep economical simultaneously under the premise of meeting the two reliability requirements .
Magnitude of natural resources value is decided by its use value and compensation value .
The property of the rock mechanics and magnitude of differential subsidence value of foundation affect safety of buildings directly .
The magnitude of the peak value is concemedwith weight of tobacco rod and porosity of cigarette paper .
Simulation results show that the method quickenes convergence speed , increases estimation accuracy and decreases oscillating magnitude of the filtered value .
The magnitude of the maximum value , as well as the time to reach such maximum value , varies with geometry and surface heat-transfer coefficient .
The present paper analyzed the magnitude and coefficiency of the value of common metal charges and provided a scientific analyzing method for purchasing and using the charges .